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Did Jesus say that He was God???

There is this question that I see Christians stumbling over every time they get asked. That question is Did Jesus say that he was God? Most Christians can’t answer this in confidence and emphatically with YES!!! Well we will give you the information to make such a YES happen.  I get the question all the time Did Jesus say that “I am God worship me?” Well Not that I have ever read, but that doesn’t mean in any way that he never claimed to be God and those he said it too understood the claim he was making.  I’m going to start with Matthew 41-45, here Jesus is asking the Pharisees about who did they think the Messiah was the son of. They answered the “Son of David” and Jesus quickly reminded them about the Psalm of David Psalms 110:1. David calls the Messiah “Lord” in this text.  This next text is when Jesus was arrested with and presented before Caiaphas Mark 14:60-64. What is important to note here is that in Verse 61 Jesus was asked if he was the Christ the Son of the Blessed and in verse 62 he answered Mark 14:62:
62And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. What is important here is that he said he was the Son of Man which correlates with Daniel 7:13-14, so the Jews were upset at this and the high priest ripped his clothes off saying why do we need any more witnesses. This was Blasphemous to them because the son of man was to have an everlasting kingdom and everyone would serve him. The Jews knew this but we act as though now we cannot comprehend this fact. Now Let’s visit Luke 5:20-24 and Mark 2:5-11 here is where Jesus tells the with Palsy that his sins are forgiven and the Pharisees said Who is that that speaks blasphemies because only God can forgive sins!!! Wow Jesus is doing Godly actions, which is staking his claim as God. John 8:48-58 is so powerful in this claim to Deity especially verse 58 when He says Before Abraham was, I am!!! The Jews again went to stone him. Finally so I won’t post every scripture pertaining to this which could be a lot of writing, John 10:14-38 Jesus extensively says that he and Jehovah are ONE and the Jews again went to stone him. We must as Christians no what we believe and why we believe it and how to explain it and prove it to other while defending the faith. Peace and Blessings Saints.

April 17, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | 2 Comments